Saturday, February 27, 2010

The French table...

These pictures are from our travels as well as the lovely home of our hosts Phyl and Ev Ressler. Phyl was such a wonderful hostess and talented chef, filling us with croissants in the morning and cheese at night! She made us a delicious pasta with fresh pure ingredients like roasted red peppers, ground almonds and pine nuts, crisp salads with every meal and provided plates of picturesque tangerines and pears. There was also always a tin of chocolate available to nibble. Although they are American they truly adopted the French attitude towards the importance of food and where it comes from. In fact, Phyl's next course is on the Anthropology of food, wish I could sit in on that one!

I couldn't not post something about the food in France. It really is a different experience to eat there. There isn't that fear of fat that is so ingrained in us here, instead there is a true enjoyment of food as a social event. We ate rich cheeses, bread, chocolate and pastries but I swear I actually lost a pound or two while there. I think it was mostly due to how slowly I ate, you had wine and conversation to stop you from cramming all that rich food greedily down your throat. Eating slowly made you feel full sooner and therefore you ate less. I am still committed to eating as Vegan as possible now that I'm back, especially since hubby is a super strict one, but I think Dani and I will have to get together for french food night every once in a while. It's all about moderation! The most important thing is to have as much knowledge about your food as possible and to eat as cleanly as possible, avoid processed foods, eat fresh and local. The past 2 years of eating almost Vegan and being super aware of our food and where it comes from made eating in France a delight since most French people subscribe to those same ideas.

Want to eat like a french person?

Breakfast- traditional tartine- a baguette split, toasted and slathered in butter and jam with a bowl of cafe au lait.

Lunch- 2 tiny sandwiches aux fromage- YUM!

Gouter (french late afternoon snack)- small pain aux raisins

Dinner- fondue, raclette or tartiflette- all cheese and carbs and all delicious!! Follow with a salad, chocolate and herb tea.

That is my idea of Parfait!!

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